
Andrés Felipe García Rendón
4 min readJun 24, 2020

Crowd-lending plataform that allows actual Rappi couriers or new Rappi couriers called “Dreamers” to post a dream they have to improve their working tools (cellphones, bicycles, mounting bags or bikes) or pay their education. This will be accomplished via crowd-lending, where Rappi users (believers) who believe and want to support a deramer can help them raise money until the dreamer’s amount requested is accomplished. As a thanks to the believer(supporters) a profit is returned for their investment in someone else’s deram.

The purpose of our project is to help all people who want to work as dreamers with Rappi, to somehow achieve the goals and objectives proposed by themselves.

To achieve this objective, we form the Zero Cool team, whose members are:

Pablo Andrés Sánchez: “I would like to be remembered as someone who learned from his mistakes”.

Tomas Mejia: “Adinamic and enthusiastic person. Before Holberton i worked as a product designer. As a runner, my always willing to got the extra mile to accomplish my goals. ”

Andrés García: “i would like to be remembered as someone who cares about constant learning and harmony, dynamism and agility in work teams”.

As an engineering and development problem we find several potential products to develop:
Sponsor and Trust. In version 1.0 we developed the product Sponsor, in which we will have two protagonists Rappitenderos and Padrinos. The Rappitendero will make a publication that shows what their goals are, what they want and what capital they need to start; After publishing it, the Godfather will be able to select you to sponsor with the amount of money you want. Several godparents may sponsor the same Rappitendero until the published amount is reached.
To achieve this goal, Andrés and Pablo worked on the Front-End, the Landing-page and the Firebase connection, while Tomas and Andrés worked on the Back-End and the creation of a reliable and sophisticated API.

Originally, it had been thought to make a web application that contains a search engine for retail items through web scraping, compiling search results from pages such as Linio, OLX, Mercadolibre, Amazon, Ebay, Aliexpress, and also, also allowed publish articles to users that they wish to sell through e-commerce. After analyzing this idea, they presented us with some challenges that several allied companies of Holberton School had, including Rappi.

Rappi presents us with an extremely interesting challenge: A CrowdLenging app in which people who want to work with Rappi but do not have the financial resources can do so through a collaborative economy. We analyze the project and our skills, abilities, ethics and culture to calculate the success rate in developing this project. We defined the infrastructure and technologies that we were going to use for the development of the app:

And use some times API’s:

API — Rappi

- Request for account balance, sponsorships or trust deposit will be taken as a post decreasing the balance of your personal account and increasing the balance of the rappitendero who published the request for the microcredit

API — Muevete Rappi

-Get and post requests are made to the API to request data of the value that each rappitendero publishes in the microcredits. Likewise, the credit status will be updated day by day.

SDK Firebase google

As a complement, the sign in process could be done with firebase, a google add on that helps us create new users and authenticate the login process in the App.

The DataBase structure whas:

Originally we had thought about developing the database in PostgreSQL, but in view of the dynamism and simplicity of Firebase, we opted to use the latter.

With the project we managed to reach the deployment of version 1.0 of the app, where the user can already interact between both profiles, both Rappitendero and Investor or sponsor:

With the project we managed to reach the deployment of version 1.0 of the app, where the user can already interact between both profiles, both Rappitendero and Investor or sponsor.

One of the most complex challenges we had during the project was the implementation of Redux after doing it with Async Storage.
As a personal experience, it was very pleasant to solve a project of this magnitude without prior knowledge of the technologies we use such as React-Native or Firebase. With this already learned, there is no doubt that version 2.0 will be 100% better, and the user experience will be more dynamic.

“As difficult as it seems to reach the solution, with perseverance we will arrive” Andrés García.



Andrés Felipe García Rendón

Web Developer graduated from Holberton School. With experience in as C, Python, NodeJS, React, React Native, HTML, CSS, Boostrap and Flexbox