Andrés Felipe García Rendón
6 min readMar 4, 2020

How Do SQL Database Engines Work?

In this article, we will explain how the SQL database engines work?

Currently the development of computer and computer technology produces a large volume of data daily. This data needs to be sorted and stored in order to later be used or analyzed, for this purpose large data stores called databases were created.

But what is a database?

A database is a separate application that stores a collection of data. So we can say that it is a collection of information organized by fields, records and files, so that you can quickly select the pieces of data that are needed.

Although, I could use Excel to store my data, but ….

What is Excel good for and why not?

What is Excel good for:
Excel has a bad reputation, but the truth is that it is also a very flexible and powerful software, and in it you can do many things like the following:

  • Browse the data with ease.
  • Enter and edit data manually with ease.
  • Share copies of the files.
  • Choose the visual presentation.
  • Take advantage of the flexible structure given by unique cells.
  • Integrate your work with the software of any office.
  • Take advantage of the vivacity that gives the possibility of using formulas.
  • Use the help icons to make graphics, which give suggestions and have a pell checker.
  • Learn to use it relatively easily.

What Excel is not good for:
Unfortunately, Excel has limits, and is bad for other things like the following:

It does not integrate the data, since each cell is unique; This makes the document very inconsistent. A number does not necessarily have the format of a number; Thus there may be variations between data. You must pay attention to details.

  • It is not recommended to work with multiple databases.
  • When the data reaches a certain amount, the document performance is reduced as is the interface. The cells are limited.
  • When it comes to working in a team, it is very difficult to know who modified the document and where.

So when should I use a database instead of Excel?
Excel and databases are two totally different things. No tool is good or bad. We recommend using a database if your project meets the following characteristics:

  • If you have a lot of data.
  • If your data is messy or very complex.
  • You want to project other things with your data.
  • If other people need to work with your data.

And how do I work with the databases?

A database is a separate application that stores a collection of data. So we can say that it is a collection of information organized by fields, records and files, so that you can quickly select the pieces of data that are needed.

How many types of database exist?

There are the databases:

  • Static databases.
  • Dynamic databases.
  • Hierarchical databases.
  • Network databases.
  • Transactional databases.
  • Relational databases.
  • Multidimensional databases.
  • Object oriented databases.
  • Documentary databases.
  • Deductive databases.

We are going to focus on what is SQL, what is a relational database and what is the SQL DataBase engine.

What is SQL?

  • SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard and interactive language for accessing relational databases that allows you to specify various types of operations in them, thanks to the use of algebra and relational calculations, the SQL offers the possibility of consulting with the objective of recovering information from databases in a simple way. Queries take the form of a command language that allows you to select, insert, update, find out the location of the data, and more.

What is Relational DataBases?

  • A database is relational when it meets the relational model, which refers to the relationship between the different entities or tables in the database. Also known as relational database management systems (RDBMS), which allow us to store and manage large amounts of data. Data is stored in different tables and relationships are established using primary keys or other keys known as foreign or foreign keys. There are countless relational database management systems and each of them has a different way of handling your data, some examples of RDBMS are: Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, among others.

What is the structure of the DataBases?

  • A table, in the database, consists of rows and columns. Rows are also called records or tuples. Columns are also known as attributes.

Columns / Attributes

  • Columns store information of various types, such as numbers, names and dates.

Rows / Records / Tuples

  • A record or row stores an individual section of information. For example, a table of “employees” may have rows that contain specific information about the different employees.


  • The indexes in the database table help you find in the rows you are looking for.


  • The controls of a database table confirm whether the data is valid or not. Some of the controls are restrictions, default values ​​and event triggers.


  • A table is a database object. A database can contain one or more tables.

What is the SQL DataBase engine?

The Database Engine allows you to save, process and secure the data that companies need to save and that are the result of their transactions. The SQL Server Database Engine allows for controlled access and fast and fast transaction processing, ensuring the high availability and speed that businesses now demand.

Uses of the Database Engine:

  • Create relational databases, very useful for storing transactions in real time.
  • Create databases for analytical data management.
  • Manage the data required to save systems in a company using tables, views, stored procedures, etc.
  • Capture server events using SQL Server Profiler and then analyze traces that can be stored to audit movements and activities on the server.

Diagram of a DataBase:

The term “database schema” may refer to a visual representation of a database, a set of rules governing a database, or the entire set of objects belonging to a particular user. Read on to learn more about database schemas and how they are used.

What is a database schema?

A database schema represents the logical configuration of all or part of a relational database. It can exist in two ways: as a visual representation and as a set of formulas known as integrity constraints that control a database. These formulas are expressed in a data definition language, such as SQL. As part of a data dictionary, a database schema indicates how the entities that make up the database relate to each other, including tables, views, stored procedures and much more.

In the Oracle database system, the term database schema, which is also known as “SQL schema,” has a different meaning. Here, a database can have multiple schemas (or “schemata”, as it is elegantly called in English). Each of them contains all the objects created by a specific user of the database. Those objects can include tables, views, synonyms and much more. Some objects cannot be included in a schema, such as users, contexts, roles, and directory objects.

In conclusion:

It is very useful and important to use databases because:

  • It is Compact: No paper files are needed that could take up a lot of space.
  • It’s Fast: The machine can obtain and modify data much faster than a human being. Thus, it is possible to quickly satisfy queries of particular cases, at the moment, without the need for visual or manual searches that refer a long time.
  • It is less laborious: Much of the boredom is eliminated by hand files.
  • Mechanical tasks will always be better performed by the machines.
  • Is Current: Accurate and up-to-date information is available at any time.
  • Comfortable: By having the information in one place, we will save time and work
Andrés Felipe García Rendón
Andrés Felipe García Rendón

Written by Andrés Felipe García Rendón

Web Developer graduated from Holberton School. With experience in as C, Python, NodeJS, React, React Native, HTML, CSS, Boostrap and Flexbox

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